Monotrack Build Plans

This plans shows how to build a motorized monotrack with only basic tools and materials, driven by a lightweight gasoline engine.
The monotrack bike’s core feature is the single recycled truck tyre wrapped around its body.
This unique machine, built using a single truck tyre, has taken the concept of repurposing salvaged components to a whole new level. The tyre, transformed into a tank tread, not only provides maximum grip but also allows for jaw-dropping wheelies and effortless stoppies.

The problem is tank tracks even for small diggers, snowmobiles and so on are pretty expensive, so for this project, the cut down truck tyre works really well from the price point.
Tracked vehicles are cool, but can be quite complicated to build, so i planed it to be as simple to build as possible. That means ditching the custom machined parts like the wheels and the suspension system. These were replaced with ten unexpensive 4.10/3.50-4 size wheels and axles mounted on a simple but really stong steel frame.
Imagine for a moment that you have the detailed building instructions to build this tracked machine out of things you’d find in your nearest junkyard.
The first step to start with this Monotrack is getting a used 295/80 R22.5 truck tyre, and removing its two sidewalls to make it softer, and easier to slot into the frame.

The build plans include parts lists, material and fastener lists while the drawings feature 2D and 3D diagrams. The components are broken up into further sub assemblies for ease of manufacture for the home builder.
I’m sure you’d ask some questions in the process, and when you do, i will be there to answer any questions you may have regarding this build.
Get the Monotrack Build Plans
GET the Monotrack Complete and detailed plans, list of materials and building instructions (PDF)
Plus the renders of every single part and assembly
– USD 32 –